Here is the site I will be working on during this three-month residency.
This black-plastic pipe is the drainage outfall from a parking lot at the Trinity Episcopal School. The drainage flows into a swale and a stormwater retention pond. Students use the pond as an outdoor classroom, studying the flora, fauna, chemistry.
The issues that need to be addressed with this Eco-art project include:
- slowing down the stormwater during rain events. The fast flow causes erosion, and moves too quickly into the pond. The stormwater carries pollutants and sediments from the parking lot, so we want the stormwater to slow down and pool up before it gets to the pond. This allows the sediments and heavy metals to settle out .... thus, the water in the pond will be cleaner, allowing critters and plants to flourish.
- also, the pipe and rubble are just plain ugly!
Looks like it will be quite the site selection project! Let us know how it turns out.